Thank you sir for pointing out the obvious,
regarding neighboring a major university.
Bravo !
The point is sir, the neighborhood and the enforcement agencies
had already arrived at a flexible and common sense truce about the issue
and its painfully obvious solution.
Sir, I believe your efforts and defense of those efforts
are disingenuous.(at best)
Kindly stop your tedious incantation of State and Federal
requisites to anoint your self-righteous personal crusade.
Using disabled Americans to get your way is despicable.
There are also several State Statutes and Regulations
that dictate UCLA MUST continue to grow and there are all manner
of Federal requirements for States, Institutions and Cities to PLAN and EXECUTE
discrete and dedicated Parking Facilities within schemes for expansion.*
* I believe these issues fall under the canopy of Public Policy.
This is a longstanding mission
you have had for the last two years.
The fact is, a member of your family
thinks the parking in the Village is "ugly".
I believe that you sir, have mounted this entire fiasco
to please that family member and exercise your own sense
of personal entitlement.
The Los Angeles City Agency responsible for considering
"complaints" such as yours, has denied your "claim" at least twice
in the last 2 years.
Messrs. Shoup and Dukakis:
Thanks for adding more stress to a neighborhood
that had already "solved" the problem at the grassroots level.
At this point Sir, your family's taste in urban visuals
and your ego are the larger problems in this neighborhood.