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Friday, June 22, 2007
Dear neighbors...Please GET IT
Friday, June 15, 2007
Dukakis' Wrecks
Fwd: Dukakis=Retard...
Good Sir,
As a born-and-raised New Hampshirite, I've long been aware of Dukakis'
idiocy. Most of Massachusetts is a complete dump owing to the benighted
policies of tax-and-spend liberals who do their best to limit freedom. Nice
to see he's brought his failed ideology to Los Angeles--because LA
apparently isn't liberal enough for him.
As if parking in LA isn't already a costly pain in the ass for the citizenry
(and a scurvy source of millions of dollars for the city), Dukakis feels the
need to up the ante and make things even tougher for us, in a state of which
he's not even a resident. What a total douchebag. A meddling, midget,
liberal douchebag.
And what the hell is he teaching at UCLA? Socialism 101?
Jon Thibault
PS--Feel free to post this.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
hey mike try the electro shock
Shoup and Dukakis Soup ...
I think the time for debate is over. Professor Shoup and I and others have been discussing this thing for over a year. Apron parking is illegal under Federal, state and local law for obvious reasons. Your job-- and the job of all of us-- is to come up with constructive ways to accommodate the people who have a genuine need for parking spaces on the street. Both Professor Shoup and I have already suggested a number of them-- parking parallel to the apron on the street with the permission of the property owner, something that is already being done in other California communities; permit parking on the street, something which is very common in other university communities; a limited number of reserved parking spaces for zipcars and related kinds of vehicles that can be rented temporarily by residents who do not need a car fulltime-- and there may be others. Feel free to get in touch with him directly. He knows more about parking than anybody in America.
We are not going to resolve this problem on talk radio. And we are talking about a total of two hundred cars that are currently parking illegally. Most of them belong to students and will disappear, once the law is enforced.
Mike Dukakis
Ummmmm … excuse me if the 200 cars are parked illegally, then why are they not being ticketed now or in the past 30 years ? If it is ONLY 200 cars why the big deal ? Zip Cars Rentals, who is paying for the rental ? No good alternative has ever been suggested ! It is a LOT more than 200 cars because Tendem parking is a WAY OF LIFE in the North Village, comers and goers use the scarce spaces as ways to sustain life in this congested community !
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Westwood North Village Parking Debate
Dear Mr. Dukakis,
Now that the controversy over The Dukakis Project is raging again in my neighborhood, it would serve everybody’s interests to have a public debate on this issue which is so upsetting and confusing to my neighbors.
A great opportunity has presented itself to us. John Kobylt, co-host of the John and Ken Show; the most listened to drive-time talk radio show in Los Angeles, has agreed to air a debate between you and I on The Dukakis Plan. They find that it is a great local issue and, of course, your star power fills the marquee.
I will be available any time between now and the reported July 1st apron parking ticketing, except for the days from the 21st to the 25th when I will be in Nassau for a family wedding. (The show only runs Monday through Friday). We can run live or on tape.
Let’s get the issues on the table and maybe together we can broadcast a solution that can serve as a template for solving urban congestion today and in the future.
R.N. Flint Dille
North Village Association for Parking Solutions