Jack Weiss’ Office has come through again while they re-evaluate the parking situation. As Mike’s letter (several docs down) suggests, they saw through Professor Donald Shoup’s phony ADA argument. So that we might remember, this argument is phony on two grounds: 1) We do not block the sidewalks and agree that cars blocking the sidewalk (not allowing 3 feet for a wheelchair to pass) should be ticketed and 2) many of the sidewalks in the neighborhood are impassible for a variety of reasons including the steep angles of the hills and the poor condition of the sidewalks themselves.
Also, the argument that we’re violating federal laws by parking on the aprons is phony on its face given that San Francisco has legalized apron parking. Let’s push forward and end this issue once and for all. Apron Parking is a way of life in Westwood. It is not a perfect solution, but it serves the most people the best way and inconveniences others the least of all the alternatives.
We are also going to pass around a petition asking UCLA not to invite Michael Dukakis back this winter. Not only has he made a great deal of trouble for all of us, students and neighbors alike, but his arrogance and ignorance are appalling. The Arrogance of ‘let them take the bus’ and the ignorance of ‘it will only affect 200 people…’ Now let’s see, if 200 people are filling the spaces on the street, how many people won’t be able to come and go during the course of the day, and that’s not even counting CARSCAM or FLEXSCAM or whatever it is called and the spaces it will take up. And we haven’t even begun talking about the numerous service people, gardeners, painters, mail people, delivery people, electricians, cable companies, etc. that routinely park on the aprons.
We also need to find out whether Shoup is tenured and what the cost of knowingly misrepresenting the facts to carry out a personal agenda can be. This guy is bad news. Somebody else wrote lots about that on the site.
Below are various bits of Flint’s correspondence with Beverly in Jack Weiss’ office for our records.
Thanks Beverly.
To be honest your letter of December 18th didn’t say anything about ticketing us in the Summer or any other time (see below). We thought it was a permanent arrangement, so we let down our guard believing the issue was over.
We knew that Dukakis and his lackeys, Alex Faye and Professor Shoup were busy causing mischief and spreading confusion, but we felt we had an agreement with you and Jack Weiss. You might remember the note we sent, thanking you and also note that I managed to persuade John Kobylt to praise Jack on his radio show for doing the right thing. We felt the issue was officially concluded.
We don’t know what Dukakis’ issue is, but CARFLEX is no solution for us. In fact, we smell a scam. We had a number of alternative suggestions which seem to have been ignored by Mr. Dukakis and his minions.
We ignored Alex Faye’s phony organization (for a time, he acted like a sympathetic mole in our group so we quickly learned to distrust him) and are very curious about whether he works for the City Council and how and why he got the job and what capacity he has been acting in and when.
We don’t want a fight. We’re real people with real lives. Some of us are elderly. Some of us have health impairments. Some of us have children who have to be shuttled around. We are diverse in terms of age, income, gender, race and national origin. We are your neighbors all year round. We are not visiting dilettante meddlers, opportunistic students or ideological whackos.
We have no interest in being part of an urban planning experiment conducted by the disingenuous Professor Shoup and resent having our tax dollars used by treacherous characters to complicate our lives, waste our time and damage our property values. We all know that the ADA argument is phony (look at the legalization of apron parking in San Francisco).
Frankly, I think Dukakis has played all of us for chumps for God knows what financial or twisted psychological reason.
As you have probably seen, I challenged Dukakis to a debate on the radio and he weaseled out of it (an article about it is linked on the Drudge Report right now). He knows he wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny today on this issue any better than he stood up to it back in ’88. It is hard to read his letter, or the so-called Dukakis Project Report and see anything other than the work of pompous, delusional would-be tyrants.
Frankly, we have no beef with Jack Weiss. We’re not part of the recall and you will notice that we’ve remained focused on Dukakis and our issue which admittedly is very small in the grand scheme of things, but very big to us.
Let us please put an end to this, today and drive these jerks back into their holes and let everybody proceed with their lives.
Original Letter from December:
Thank you for contacting Councilmember Weiss regarding parking in the North Village. Our office understands that there has been a shortage of parking in this area for many years, which has resulted in cars parking in the aprons of driveways and on the public right of way.
Recently, the City was advised to comply with federal law requiring access for people with disabilities (ADA) and must enforce existing municipal codes that do not allow parking on sidewalks.
Given the extreme shortage of parking, and acknowledging that the majority of residents in this area are UCLA students, Councilmember Weiss has asked to defer some of the ticketing. This request for deferment would not include cars parked in the apron of a driveway encroaching onto the sidewalk or into the street beyond parked cars. Cars parked in this manner would be aggressively ticketed. Sidewalks must not be blocked, and parked cars must not prevent the passage of emergency vehicles in the roadway.
In the meantime, Councilmember Weiss will continue to consult with the City Attorney and other City staff to seek future solutions to address the City’s legal responsibilities and the legitimate concerns of the residents in the North Village area. Our office will also keep you posted on any developments in the next few weeks.
If you have any questions, please call 310.289.0353.
Beverly A. Kenworthy
District Director & Planning Deputy
Council District 5
Councilmember Jack Weiss
822 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 102
Los Angeles, CA 90035
310.289.0365 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Beverly Kenworthy [mailto:Beverly.Kenworthy@lacity.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 5:25 PM
To: Flint Dille
Cc: Evan Gordon; Fortuna Ippoliti
Subject: Re: FW: Ticketing starts on July 1!
My colleague, Evan Gordon, is working on this issue. I have copied him on this email. The letter you are referring to was only an immediate measure and prevented the ticketing for the remainder of the school year. Our office will continue to work with you and the students. You can reach Evan at 310.289.0353.
Beverly A. Kenworthy
Senior Planning Deputy
Council District Five
Temporary Contact Information
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 440
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 473-7005 - phone
(213) 978-2250 - fax
PLEASE NOTE: This electronic mail message and any attachments hereto are intended solely for the review of the designated recipient(s) and originate from the office of Los Angeles City Councilmember Jack Weiss (the "Councilmember"). This message and any attachments may not be used, reviewed, copied, published, disseminated, redistributed, or forwarded without the express written permission of the Councilmember or his Chief of Staff. The information in this electronic mail message and any attachments is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not a designated recipient of this communication or if you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply mail, then destroy any and all copies of this message and attachments and delete them from your system. To learn more about Councilmember Jack Weiss and his district, visit http://www.lacity.org/council/cd5/
>>> "Flint Dille" <flintdille@earthlink.net> 6/12/2007 8:01 AM >>>
Jack. Beverly,
Please give me your assurances that the following memo isn't true and that
you are living by your letter of last December saying that there will not be
ticketing unless we block the sidewalks or hang too far into the streets.
This plan, put forward by Mr. Dukakis, Professor Shoup and some ambitious
disciples will greatly hurt the lives and property values of many people in
all walks of life. I have no idea what CARFLEX is, but it sounds like a
Believe me. If we get tickets. It will get very ugly for all of us.
Very ugly. For all of us.
Flint Dille
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Louis Rodrigue [mailto:jeanlouisr1@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:40 AM
To: flintdille@earthlink.net; terriedille@earthlink.net
Subject: Fw: Ticketing starts on July 1!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jean-Louis <mailto:jeanlouisr1@yahoo.com> Rodrigue
To: emeyer@firstregional.com ; 'Rick <mailto:rdb1@polisci.ucla.edu> Baum' ;
Susan Lieberman <mailto:susanlieberman@earthlink.net> ;
flintdille@earthlink.net ; knorthpole@yahoo.com ; Charles
<mailto:jdube@mailstation.com> Dubow ; lillhara@yahoo.com ; feelie@ucla.edu
Cc: Sina Bolour <mailto:sbolour@verizon.net> (Verizon)
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 10:27 PM
Subject: Ticketing starts on July 1!
Dear Villa Campana Neighbors,
Kristof and I attended the meeting regarding apron parking last Thursday.
The meeting was attended by roughly 30 people, mostly property owners and
renters in the area. I believe 4 students were present. This meeting was
organized by Alex, a UCLA graduate now working for the City council and
cronies from the famous class inspired by Dukakis. A representative from
the Transportation Department was there to announce that they will enforce
the apron parking law starting JULY 1. The alternatives they presented
the master brain child of this class project, mainly CARFLEX ( a rental
car service) and parking permits for residents (this process will take at
least 6
months to institute). They did not have any immediate solutions.
In order to get the parking permits instituted, we need to petition with
for at least six blocks. This is a slow process but a possibility in the
long run.
For now we are stuck with a parking nightmare for us and our friends and
Weiss is completely out of the picture since he is not up for re-election.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean-Louis and Kristof
Jean-Louis Rodrigue
AlexanderTech Works
PO Box 3194
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
310-443-4483 fax
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