Monday, September 17, 2007

Potential VA Calamity

Hey Roxanne,


I agree. The VA is like a park that separates us from Brentwood. How do we stop this? Is this a federal (Waxman) issue or is this a city issue.


Also, my friend Steve Reasner says that UCLA is planning MORE building on a 1988 Permit without an impact study.  You know anything about this.  Steve, if you get this, could you chime in?  This is about a lot more than apron parking now.




-----Original Message-----
From: Roxane Stern []
Thursday, September 06, 2007 2:01 PM
To: Roxane Stern


In today’s paper there is an announcement about a meeting regarding the VA property!  This is the first notice I received.

  I hope you and your neighbors can attend.  The meeting is open to the public and will run from 5 to 9 pm at the Wadsworth Theatre on the VA campus.

How many times do we have to fight this battle?

It appears that the VA has already entered into agreements with several companies-Enterprise cars, For Entertainment group, Tumbleweed bus company and Breitburn Energy.

They must be stopped.


Roxane Stern

11053 Strathmore Dr

LA CA 90024

310 443 1106


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