Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Westwood North Village Parking Debate

Dear Mr. Dukakis,


Now that the controversy over The Dukakis Project is raging again in my neighborhood, it would serve everybody’s interests to have a public debate on this issue which is so upsetting and confusing to my neighbors.


A great opportunity has presented itself to us. John Kobylt, co-host of the John and Ken Show; the most listened to drive-time talk radio show in Los Angeles, has agreed to air a debate between you and I on The Dukakis Plan. They find that it is a great local issue and, of course, your star power fills the marquee.


I will be available any time between now and the reported July 1st apron parking ticketing, except for the days from the 21st to the 25th when I will be in Nassau for a family wedding.  (The show only runs Monday through Friday).  We can run live or on tape. 


Let’s get the issues on the table and maybe together we can broadcast a solution that can serve as a template for solving urban congestion today and in the future.




R.N. Flint Dille

North Village Association for Parking Solutions



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